These beautifully styled spiral diffusers look like something from a mad scientist's laboratory, and certainly create a focal point for your aquarium. You can see the CO2 spiralling up the coils inside diffuser, creating a memorising effect. The CO2 is then forced through a ceramic disc, which creates a fine mist of CO2 bubbles, which then diffuse in the aquarium water.
The diffuser also has an attractive petal rim, making this as much of a design feature as providing practical function.
- Because the item is made from glass it is inherently delicate, and extra care needs to be taken when fitting it in the aquarium. It is highly recommended that the tubing is first warmed in freshly boiled water to soften the tip when pushing onto the diffuser inlet.
- Position just above substrate below the filter outflow. This will ensure the bubbles enter the flow of water from the filter and hold the CO2 in suspension for longer, increasing CO2 diffusion levels.
- When the diffuser is first connected you may find the CO2 escapes from a small hole at the bottom of the spirals. Rest assured, the hole is meant to be there and this is normal behaviour. Once the diffuser has been submersed in the water for a few days, the chamber of the diffuser will fill with water and the spiralling effect will begin.