Using the pH Controller you can put your CO2 deployment on auto-pilot, and only dose CO2 into your aquarium as and when it's needed.
The pH Controller constantly checks the pH of your aquarium water, so that when the pH increases, it switches on the plug, which your solenoid regulator is plugged into. That turns on the flow of CO2 which lowers the pH of the water. When the pH reaches your target level, it turns the solenoid off.
A pH Controller will also ensure that you don't 'overdose' your aquarium with CO2, either by using a timer plug an accidentally setting it on for too long, or 'end of tank dump'. It also means you only dose CO2 when it's needed, and therefore use less CO2 than you might otherwise. A pH Controller will therefore eventually pay for itself in saved CO2 refills.
Package Contents
- pH Controller
- Power system box
- pH 4.0 Buffer Solution
- pH 7.0 Buffer Solution
- Adjustment Sticker
- Electrode Holder
- Instrument Holder
- Connect the pH electrode to pH terminal.
- Plug your CO2 solenoid regulator (not included) or calcium reactor (not included) into the control output on the base of the unit.
- Connect the power box to AC power (220-230V~50/60Hz) and switch on.
- Slide switch to 'SET'.
- Using the plastic screwdriver, adjust the "SET" knob until it reads the pH you want your aquarium to maintain. Most freshwater tropical plants like a pH of 6.5 - 6.8.
- For use with freshwater / CO2 systems set the HI-A/LO-A switch to 'HI-A' position. For use with saltwater / calcium reactor set the HI/LO switch to 'LO-A' position.
- Slide switch to 'PH'.
- Put the pH electrode into the pH 7 buffer receptacle.
- Adjust the "pH7" knob with the plastic screwdriver until the display reads “7.00".
- Put the pH electrode into the pH 4.01 buffer receptacle.
- Adjust the "Slope pH4" knob with the plastic screwdriver until the display reads “4.01". The device is now calibrated.
- Put the pH electrode in the aquarium water. Ensure cap of electrode is above water surface.
- If using 'HI-A' the controller will switch on the CO2 when the pH climbs ~0.1 above your desired pH. It will remain switched on until the pH drops ~0.1 below your desired pH.
- If using 'LO-A' the controller will switch on the CO2 when the pH drops ~0.1 above your desired pH. It will remain switched on until the pH climbs ~0.1 above your desired pH.
- You may wish to re-calibrate the device every couple of months to ensure accurate operation.
- Click here to read the full UP pH Controller setup guide